Alain-Marc Rieu
Alain-Marc is an epistemologist, professor emeritus of philosophy at Lyon III University, senior research fellow of the Institute of East-Asian Studies (ENS-Lyon – CNRS). Alain-Marc was many times guest professor at the Tokyo University, the Meiji University, the Osaka University and at the California University (Santa Cruz). He also is a regular contributor to the Triple Helix Conferences. His research interests include the organisation and the status of knowledge in advanced industrial societies, and the theories of modernity. He has authored many books and articles, published in English, Japanese and French. Among them: « Beyond Neo-Liberalism : Research Policies and Society. The Case of Japan », « Thinking After Fukushima. Epistemic Shift in Human and Social Sciences », « Chinese and French Views on Knowledge Society Today. Philosophy, Ethics and Epistemology ».